Thursday, February 4, 2016

When One Door Closes

Hi everyone!

WOW, it's only day 4 of our 100 Days of Making and some of us in the tribe are already saying to each other, "so at the end of the 100 days, can we do this again??"  It is so very, very exciting to be a part of this incredibly talented group of people.  The support and encouragement is lighting a spark in so many of us.  Some are trying new things and some are dusting off old art & craft supplies, breaking out long forgotten materials and using our hobbies and skills to show the AMAZING gifts that God has blessed us all with in our community.  For bloggers/writers like me, this may even entail sharing our stories with the world.

"If you build it they will come" - well Maker Mornings built it and we are coming out of the woodwork. :)  This movement to combine creativity with technology and industry is something that I have waited my entire life for.  Being a creative often times means that we are interested in more than one thing - I teach, blog & write by day, embroider by night, paint glue and create Garden Glitter on the weekends.  The point is - have fun using the gifts God has given you.  Take time to smell the roses and take a few pictures of them if you want.  Or use the rose petals to make potpourri.

As Elizabeth Gilbert teaches us in Big Magic, there is no right or wrong way to create.  The curiosity that she writes about has been the very heart of me and my business before her book ever became a thought and yet, for me it is such total confirmation of the path that I now find myself on again, but in an entirely new way.  We are not necessarily creating for the world, though it is great if the world enjoys what we have to show our audience, no matter how big or small that audience may be.  We create to release our inner child; to heal from old wounds; to deal with life and death; and to have a little part of ourselves that we can leave behind to the world when we are gone.  I love to create elaborate surprises for people, because for me I get just as much joy out of giving as I do receiving.

My Curiosity Cottage has been constructed with love and inspiration given to me by those that I cherish the most in my life.  By taking the love that they have given me and using it as the fuel the brings my vision to life, the end result can then be something I can share with the world around me.  I wanted it to be a place where others could feel the same unconditional love and acceptance that I have been blessed enough to have and a place where one can be still and hear the gentle whispers from God.

So I encourage you to take some time - take some quiet time to listen for the whisper and watch for the God winks.  What have you been wanting to create?  Try it, you might just like it and want to be a part of 100 Days of Making too.

You see, sometimes God has to close a door or two in our lives so He can lead us  through the doors that we have waited our whole life for.

I'll see you tomorrow!

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