Friday, March 20, 2020

While We Wait

Hi everyone,

I have been so busy, going in so many directions for so long, I haven’t updated my site on a regular basis. I think a good many of us are finding ourselves coming to that realization these days. It’s funny how we may have a list of things we want to do that is a mile long, but when life comes to a screeching halt, it takes us a bit to process it all and move forward in the new direction that is laid out before us. 

Waiting is never easy, is it? From the time we are kids this starts, but in our world where we have gotten so accustomed to life happening so instantaneously, having to wait can be challenging. This morning I reflected on a point in my life that feels like it was a lifetime ago.
In 1988 I moved to Germany. At that time we had no cell phones, and we could only call home once a week for about 30 minutes, because it was so expensive. Gas was rationed, because it was so expensive. We could only watch movies we bought, because the signal for the only American television station did not reach out village. We didn’t have PCs back then, so we wrote letters…we waited for letters…we waited for care packages that could often take weeks to arrive. I learned to sew then. I read a lot then. I made friends, and to this day we share an incredible bond. We were practicing social distancing before we even knew that would one day be a “thing”. So in this new time I find that drawing on my old experiences helps. Back then it would take me a few days to get my bearings during a deployment, and I find that the same is true today. I am a creative who loves alone time, so I know that I will have a routine down soon.

I am blessed that I can work from home. I am blessed that I have incredible family and friends. We practice social distancing to protect each other, and most importantly my precious miracle grand baby. While we wait I am writing, and working to finish developing my new website. While we wait I am working on some life goals that have been on my “to do list” for the last 10 years. While we wait I am doing everything I can to improve and protect my own health, because I know there is a lot of work that God still wants me to do while I am on this side of heaven.

So while we wait, what are you doing with your time?

I would love to hear from you!! 

Sending you a hug ~ Jen

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