Friday, February 5, 2016

When Makers Make Magic

Hi everyone!

So this morning it kind of crossed my mind as I worked on several projects - have you ever thought about how the things we make impacts other?  This isn't just in the finished product, look at the amazing videos that are out there where creatives share their process with us.  Even if what they are doing is not among our list of talents, as a creative we have an appreciation and respect for those that also use their talents to create magic.

I have always enjoyed making surprises and giving surprises to unsuspecting people.  In the mornings I pray for God to show me who needs a smile today and how can I use my talents to reach out to those that are lost or hurting.  This morning was no exception.  Yesterday I wrote about listening for God to whisper guidance, but this was one morning where the whisper turned into the pulling of my heartstrings.

I have watched many people loose loved ones and when this happens to two souls that have been connected for all of their adult lives the loss can be devastating.  So how can you reach out and help comfort someone who feels lost and alone for the first time that they can even remember?  For me this beautiful design that I bought several months back seemed to capture the very essence of what she is going through.  No, it may not help her hurting heart, but it is a small sign that their are people out in the world that completely understand what she is going through.  They may not have lost their spouse, significant other or other special person in their life, but they know what it is like to love this deeply.

So I invite you as you explore the talents you have been blessed with to look around you - how can the beauty that you create be used to send sunshine to someone that may be experiencing a cloudy time in their lives?  We all go through them, so we all know what is feels like to have someone stop and take time out of their day to let us know that we are here if they need us and that our hearts break for their pain and sorrow too.  You just never know when what you make brings magic into someone's world.

Until tomorrow...

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