Friday, March 27, 2020

Bee Sweet Like Honey

Hi everyone,

I took some time this afternoon to explore and reflect on what is happening in the world around us. I couldn't help but look at the beautiful wild iris in the middle of my woods, and admire their beauty.

We've had so much rain this year. At times we didn't see sunshine for days. Though we grew tired of it, to look at my surroundings now, I realized it was exactly what was needed to yield these beautiful native flowers all along my little creek. A reminder that what we all looked at as an inconvenience and a nuisance a couple of months ago has ended up coloring the landscape with such beauty. We don't quite know yet what will come of this time that we are in, but we have to hold on to the hope that beautiful things will bloom when this time passes.

Even the thistle, though it has thorns, still brings a rustic beauty to the landscape. For me, it was nature's way of underscoring the fact that even when life brings thorns into our lives, if we give it time, life can bloom in the middle of it all. What can you see blooming in your own life at this time?

The highlight of my afternoon excursion had to be seeing the bee in the  blackberry blossoms. I started working on a new website last fall, that I will be launching this spring called "the Jubilee Bee". I love bees because they remind me of my own life. Like the bee, that should not be able to fly, I have survived trials and tribulations that I should not have. Not a day goes by that I do not acknowledge how very blessed that I am. I have purchased some bee stock images as I have gone through this new creative process, but seeing the perfect shot, and being able to capture it brought me so much joy.

I think it is important for us to remember in this time of uncertainty that some things in life may have thorns or may sting, but in the middle of it all, we can find beauty. We can bloom. Yes, a lot of things may rain down us before we bloom, but all storms pass. Life always comes back to the surface. Beauty can always be found from ashes.

As a gently reminder as I close this evening, and words that my Mimi use to tell us, "You get more bees with honey than you do vinegar." So when others start getting on your nerves, which is common in times like these, think of this last photo, and try your best to bee sweet like honey!

Sending you a long distance hug,

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