Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Path

Hi everyone!
As November begins I am reminded of all the things I am so very thankful for - my PRECIOUS new helpmate & husband; my witty, talented and amazing kids; incredible friends and coworkers!!  Yes, I have so many, many things to truly be thankful for!!

So with thanksgiving in my heart I now look to what bridges the Lord is leading me to cross, so that I might take on new adventures that will lead to hopes and dreams I use to think were light years away.

The scenery along my creative path has been beautiful, even though I may have encountered stones and obstacles along the way.

One thing that is certain, with each step, I am continually awed at the God Winks being sent to illuminate my way.

They are truly like God is making a giant "X" in the sky at each stage of this journey!!

Thankful indeed for all that He has given me, yet EXPECTING Him to indeed provide the MIRACLES needed to fulfill the desires of my heart, while giving Him ALL of the glory!!

Sharing my travels with you I hope will inspire you to head out on your own journey to discover the desires of your own heart!!  My faith is such that I am jumping in with both feet!!  I can do this because I have seen the many AMAZING things that the Lord has done for me over the years.  I have learned to wait for His perfect timing, because His answer to my prayers is always in a way the far surpasses anything I could have ever imagined!!

So yes, this November I am so very THANKFUL for more than you could ever begin to imagine!!

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