What a beautiful day Memorial Day is; a day to honor those that serve to protect our precious freedom. Between the injury to my arm and last week’s intense stomach virus, I feel like I have been battling my own personal war. It would have been easy to not post today, after all the items I wanted to take photos of had not been dusted. My injury happened to my right arm and I am right handed, which has made some everyday tasks quite cumbersome. However, the honor that I feel after having been a part of the military community for most of my adult life makes my desire to write outweigh any physical discomfort I may be experiencing today.
My little collection represents the proud mommas everywhere; as well as the soldiers from different conflicts. To some these may just be bears, but to me bears just touch my heart.
So on this special day, take time to thank all that serve and have served our great nation. Also do not forget to remember the sacrifices that their families also make each and every day. May God Bless them all!!