Sunday, September 22, 2024

When the Wait is Over

Hi everyone! 

Have you ever felt like you were lost at sea, or stranded in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico in the middle of hurricane season? At a time when change, chaos, and uncertainty seem to be swirling all around, how can we weather those storms that life sends our way? There’s a fine line between being prepared for life changing events, and going into full panic mode, buying Walmart out of all their water and hurricane snacks. 

So how do we maneuver times like this? This question led me to spend some quiet time reflecting on this. Several years back, a dear friend sent me the photo of this little fishing cabin. 

From the moment I first saw this image I was captivated. The words that came to me when I began to write about her were unexpected, and yet, it was as if my soul needed to bring them out into the world. I thought I would add them here as a message in a bottle, if you will…just in case you find yourself trying to maneuver turbulent waters. It was at this same time that I also wrote, “Serenity Waits.” What I didn’t realize, until I went back to reread this piece, was just how much I have grown in the uncertainty and waiting. “Serenity” is no longer waiting “for someone to save her.” She now knows that her life experiences have equipped her with character and empathy, that when coupled with her creativity, determination, hard work, innovative spirit, and vision, she can go out into the world and help others find the courage to discover these traits in their own lives. 

When people know that they aren’t having to maneuver the waterways of life by themselves, it has a profound impact on their ability to weather any storm they may face. Though I couldn’t help but laugh at the image of me as a little girl, because this is a more accurate portrait of me heading out into the world, map in hand, to see how I can best bring change to communities that so desperately needs it. While it is true that “Serenity” waited for a very long time, this waiting process allowed her to take the gifts she has been given, and the experiences that have molded her, and fine tune them so she is now ready to jump in the little red car and take on the world. 

What I have learned in the waiting and through my writings, is that sometimes, as life and the events we must deal with swirl all around us, if we take some time to stop…breath…and listen, calm will return. The storms are part of life’s journey, but in the end, we can find ourselves in a place that is more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. 

XO, Jen

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Finding Joy in the Journey

Hi everyone,

It’s been so long since I posted on my blog, I had to take a quick look at the new features. I had to do the same with the Weight Watchers app too, but that will be a whole other topic for later.

Life has changed so much for all of us since 2020, and from the time I first started this blog. Sometimes God can lay plans and a purpose on our heart, but detours and distractions can sidetrack us or throw us off course. Since I’m not the only one to experience such things, I thought writing about the revival of my journey may help others as well. 

It has been phenomenal writers like Anne Lamott, Sue Monk Kidd, and Delia Owens, who inspire me. Dr. Brene' Brown found inspiration in Dr. Maya Angelou, and it is Dr. Brown’s work that has enabled me to explore my own life’s journey and work with depth and passion, that I may not have uncovered if I hadn’t taken time away from writing on my blog. During this time, I continued to write for a local digital magazine, and even tried my hand in other creative endeavors, like art. I also took an incredible leap and made a drastic career change after almost 20 years, and I think this wonderful move has also gotten me to this place, to this moment in time, where I am ready to make more significant changes, and get back to creative endeavors.

“Curiosity Cottage ~ A place to embrace and explore my curiosity of life…”

Someone once told me that Curiosity Cottage wasn’t just a website, it was me. And while this is true, it truly has been my place to embrace and explore my curiosity of life, I have also used it to build a fortress or shelter to try and avoid the hurts and disappointments that life has brought my way. Learning to set boundaries, so that I can let people in has been instrumental in getting me to this point where I want to take my work back out into the world. Plus, I now have adorable grandbabies to share my creativity with, and this has made all the difference.

I am also learning to find joy in this journey as I set out to bring my original vision of Curiosity Cottage to life. It has been like a very long marathon, and I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.

I hope you have a wonderful week!




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